The Continuing Adventures of Super-Preemie

Shoshanna is a former micro-preemie (born 3 1/2 months early) who's now thriving! If you'd like to support research into the causes & prevention of premature birth, you can donate to WalkAmerica.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Shoshanna the Fashion Plate

I've been sewing for Shoshanna! Well, I spent one evening sewing for her. I cut this dress out from a stained shirt of Matthew's sometime in the late fall and hadn't gotten around to putting it together until Friday night. Good thing I did, though, because it fits her perfectly right now! (Details on the sewing available on request.)

New Duds GoofyFace

And then of course there's the pirate shirt from Auntie Em. Shoshanna squealed with delight the first time she saw it. ;^) We're trying to teach her to say "Arrrr!" when we ask her "What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?" Her favorite thing to do now that it's warm, though, is show off her tummy.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Construction Girl

Shoshanna spent a good half an hour this evening building towers with her blocks (she can get them as high as six blocks) and then knocking them down. She yells "ahhhhh!" every time she knocks one down, too (in imitation of Daddy). We had a full-blown meltdown when we took her away from the blocks to go to bed, too (possibly facilitated by the fact that she only napped for about an hour today, and that was from 9:30 to 10:30 this morning).

Tomorrow we have our second appointment with the new physical therapist - I'm sure she'll be happy to build towers with Shoshanna!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A visit from Grammy and Grandpa

Shoshanna's Grammy & Grandpa came to visit last weekend... highlights included an 18-hour tummy bug for Shoshanna and Daddy (24 hours apart), a trip to the zoo including palm-to-palm communion (through glass) with a gorilla, a very popular new toy (the Little People Farm), swimming lesson (including two jumps off the diving board), and toddler gym class. Many books were read and walks taken.

Nothing else terribly new and exciting is going on... Shoshanna's learned a new sign ("grape") and is using her signs & words with much greater consistency now. I got her laughing so hard she was snorting the other day - that was funny. And she's determined that OUTSIDE is the best place to be - we either have to come up with euphemisms for the word or spell it, lest we have an excited toddler banging on the back door yelling "Bye!" and then getting very, very mad when we don't turn her loose.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

THREE new words!

We've added three more words to the repertoire:
"Dry" (dai dai - this one's been around for a while)
"Cheese" (sheeeeeeeee)
"Shoes" (shooh, although it's practically impossible to transcribe... it's not really comprehensible at all until you realize that she only makes that particular noise when in the presence of footwear)
Yesterday I think she said "das-uh" to tell me that she wanted my new sunglasses, but I'm waiting for consistent use to call it an actual word.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Holy Molars, Batman!

We knew Shoshanna was teething. You can just feel the corner of her 4th bottom tooth cutting through. She's been a little cranky, but nothing extraordinary.

This evening, as she and Matthew were having a tickle-fight (he was winning), a discovery was made:
Shoshanna is currently cutting not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR teeth. The last incisor (bottom right) and THREE molars.
Yeah, no wonder she's been a little cranky (I actually suspected that she was working on the molars because she's been rubbing her jaw occasionally). The top two molars have their corners through and the one bottom one is just starting to come through. And then the last lower incisor, which is slowly making its way into the world.