The Continuing Adventures of Super-Preemie

Shoshanna is a former micro-preemie (born 3 1/2 months early) who's now thriving! If you'd like to support research into the causes & prevention of premature birth, you can donate to WalkAmerica.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Other miscellaneous cute

Shoshanna's been insisting on choosing her own clothes. On Saturday, she had on brightly striped pants and an equally brightly striped sweater. And even though the sweater and the pants had many of the same colors in them, the total effect was one of CLASH! I bet Opa has a picture of it, which I'll try to get my hands on to post at some point. And yesterday she was running around the house in a red, white, and blue jacket and a pink stocking cap. Of course, at the same time, I was wearing the hat from last year's Halloween costume (which also meant that every time she looked at me she made monkey noises).

On Saturday, she did a somersault. She's been close for a while (bending over and putting her head on the ground) but she'd never quite gotten it. She was a little surprised when she did this and suddenly ended up on her back, but I showed her what she'd done and we taught her to stand up, fling her arms up in the air, and say "Tada!" when she does it.

Yesterday was the first day of toddler gym class. We got there, she took one look around and hollered "Ball!" and squirmed her way out of my arms and was off like a shot. And she ran a race with Dusty (the teacher) and one of the other kids, too.

This morning as I was changing her diaper, she looked at me and said, "Mama, peebuh!" (Mama, do peek-a-boo!) When we were getting breakfast together and I was getting out spoons, she insisted on also getting out a spoon for Daddy.


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